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The Sharer Family / Photo credit: Amanda Brown Photographs

The Sharer Family / Photo credit: Amanda Brown Photographs



Amelia was a healthy and happy four-year-old girl who loved to laugh, play, and sing. She was beautiful, vibrant, smart, and extremely strong-willed. She was known for her mischievous grin and her contagious laughter.

In October 2018, after a random high fever initiated a trip to the ER, Amelia was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer. After a failed surgery to remove the kidney and mass, we discovered that Amelia’s form of cancer was, in fact, a malignant rhabdoid tumor: a very rare, aggressive form of pediatric cancer more commonly diagnosed in children two-years-old and under.

Amelia underwent surgery and five months of intense chemotherapy, all while maintaining her strong sense of determination and silly personality. Unfortunately, in March 2019, after a very rapid decline in her health, Amelia’s battle came to an end. Although her time on Earth was brief, Amelia inspired thousands of people — she reminded us all to appreciate the little things, to never take life too seriously, and to spread love whenever possible.

Amelia, Nov 2018

Amelia, Nov 2018

Amelia being silly at preschool, Sept 2018

Amelia being silly at preschool, Sept 2018

Amelia, age 4, with big brother, Anderson, age 8

Amelia, age 4, with big brother, Anderson, age 8

Amelia’s 4th birthday, June 1st, 2018

Amelia’s 4th birthday, June 1st, 2018

Amelia, Dec 2018

Amelia, Dec 2018

Amelia, November 2018, before seeing her favorite movie Wreck It Ralph

Amelia, November 2018, before seeing her favorite movie Wreck It Ralph



Primary goal

Our mission at the Amelia M. Sharer Foundation is to help ensure that no child experiences a delay in emergency medical transportation due to a lack of insurance or a family’s inability to pay.

This mission is particularly close to the foundation’s heart, as Amelia initially waited for over six hours for ambulance transportation to the Children’s Hospital, due to a temporary lapse in insurance coverage. It wasn’t until an EMS crew two hours away heard of the situation and selflessly offered to transport Amelia at no cost to the family.

When a child is ill and a family is going through this life-altering event, having to worry about EMS transportation should be the last concern. Our goal is to help alleviate that burden in any way possible.

Our foundation will be working closely with Southern Alleghenies EMS Council, who oversee EMS services in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset counties, to provide grants that will cover the cost of ambulance transportation for uninsured children. By issuing funds directly to SAEMS, local EMS crews are able to accept requests for transportation of uninsured children, then bill SAEMS rather than the patient.

Amelia’s parents hugging members of the Elk County EMS crew (lead by owner Mark Schaut) at Amelia’s celebration of life. All crew members wore custom orange shirts to show their support for Amelia.

Amelia’s parents hugging members of the Elk County EMS crew (lead by owner Mark Schaut) at Amelia’s celebration of life. All crew members wore custom orange shirts to show their support for Amelia.

Elk County EMS supporting the AMS Foundation’s first fundraiser, Muddy Buddies

Elk County EMS supporting the AMS Foundation’s first fundraiser, Muddy Buddies

Amelia’s mom, Angela, reunites with Ed, one of the original Elk County EMS responders on the night Amelia was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer

Amelia’s mom, Angela, reunites with Ed, one of the original Elk County EMS responders on the night Amelia was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer


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